Aħbarijiet dwar l-Industrija

Il-mod korrett biex tikkonnettja l-irbit artab mal-ganċ

Issa bosta manifatturi xtraw prodotti marbuta artab. Iżda l-mod korrett biex tgħaqqad il-ganċ mal-tiebed artabjista 'jkun uġigħ ta' ras għal bosta manifatturi. Ejja nitkellmu dwarha hawn taħt.

1. Meta l- tiebed artab connection hook wants to save costs, the only way to do this is to remove the connection tool. When there is no connection tool, there is only one way of connecting the flexible sling to hang vertically. When using the tiebed artab straight knot sleeve to connect the hook, we need to pay attention that the eye diameter of the hook must be larger than the eye diameter of the sling. Because we want to make sure that the tiebed artab can be used to the fullest when lifting. If the size of the eye of the hook is smaller than the sling, the tiebed artab will be cut off during lifting. If the lifting sling wants to exert force, it is necessary to ensure that the hook has enough bearing surface.

2. Iltiebed artabjuża għodod ta 'konnessjoni biex jgħaqqad b'mod effettiv is-snanar. Jekk hux braga jew ganċ, tista 'timmassimizza l-effett tagħha. Dan it-tip ta 'metodu ta' konnessjoni huwa sempliċi ħafna, aħna biss għandna nagħtu attenzjoni għal ftit tunnellati ta 'ċinturin ta' rfigħ bi ftit tunnellati ta 'qafla jew bokkla b'ċirku doppju, u mbagħad uża l-qafla jew bokkla b'ċirku doppju biex tgħaqqad il-ganċ. Dan it-tip ta 'konnessjoni huwa sempliċi u konvenjenti, u jeħtieġ biss li jkun konness ma' l-istess tunnellaġġ. Il-koeffiċjent standard nazzjonali tal-braga huwa sitt darbiet, filwaqt li s-snanar u l-irbit huma ġeneralment deformati darbtejn u miksura erba 'darbiet. Allura m'hemm l-ebda kunflitt fit-tqabbil.
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